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Dear Telugu Community People,here we got up about difference between permenent citizenship(PR),and citizenship in Australia,why you need it,if you take australia citizenship you should sacrifice Indian citizenship and impact of renouncing Indian citizenship.

                    Difference Between Permanent Residency (PR) and Citizenship in Australia

Australia offers a structured immigration pathway, providing various statuses to residents. Understanding the difference between Permanent Residency (PR) and Citizenship is crucial for those planning to settle in Australia, especially within the Telugu community in Melbourne and across Australia.

                                                                    Definition and Status

Permanent Residency (PR)

  • Definition: Permanent Residency is granted to individuals allowing them to live, work, and study in Australia indefinitely.

  • Status: PR holders are not Australian citizens but have the right to reside in the country permanently.


  • Definition: Citizenship is the highest status given to individuals, providing full legal rights and responsibilities as an Australian national.

  • Status: Citizens are considered nationals of Australia and have all associated rights and duties.

                                                                   Rights and Benefits

Permanent Residency (PR)

  • Work and Study: PR holders can work and study without restriction.

  • Healthcare: Access to Medicare, Australia’s public healthcare system.

  • Travel: PR holders can travel in and out of Australia freely for the first five years (renewable).

  • Social Security: Limited access to social security benefits (after a qualifying period).


  • Voting: Citizens have the right to vote in federal, state, and local elections.

  • Government Jobs: Eligibility for government jobs, including defense forces.

  • Passport: Right to an Australian passport and consular support abroad.

  • Unrestricted Stay: No restrictions on the duration of stay outside Australia.

                                                          Obligations and Responsibilities

Permanent Resident PR

  • Residency Requirements: Must comply with residency obligations to maintain PR status.

  • Law Compliance: Must adhere to Australian laws and regulations.


  • Legal Obligations: Must obey all Australian laws.

  • Jury Duty: Citizens may be called for jury service.

  • National Loyalty: Expected to show loyalty to Australia.

                                                                Application Process

Permanent Resident PR

  • Visa Categories: Multiple visa pathways (skilled, family, business).

  • Application: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) and apply through relevant visa categories.

  • Processing Time: Varies depending on visa type and individual circumstances.


  • Application: Apply through the Department of Home Affairs.

  • Ceremony: Attend a citizenship ceremony to officially become a citizen.

  • Processing Time: Typically takes several months from application to ceremony.

                                                             Obligations and Responsibilities

From PR to Citizenship

  • Residency Period: PR holders can apply for citizenship after meeting the residency requirement (typically four years).

  • Citizenship Test: Must pass a citizenship test covering Australia’s values, history, and responsibilities.

  • Good Character: Must demonstrate good character through background checks.

why you need citizen ship in australia ?

Obtaining Australian citizenship offers full integration into the country’s social, political, and economic life. It grants voting rights, access to exclusive jobs and educational opportunities, an Australian passport for easier international travel, and unrestricted stay without visa renewals. Citizenship fosters a sense of belonging and security, allowing individuals to fully embrace their Australian identity.

 What You Lose If You Renounce Indian Citizenship ?

1.Indian Passport

  • Travel Restrictions: You must surrender your Indian passport, losing the ability to travel to India without a visa.

  • OCI Card: You can apply for an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card, which allows visa-free travel to India and grants certain rights, but it’s not equivalent to full citizenship.

2.Property Ownership

  • Restrictions on Agricultural Land: As an OCI cardholder, you are restricted from purchasing agricultural or plantation properties in India.

  • Real Estate Transactions: While you can own residential and commercial properties, certain transactions might require additional approvals.

3.Voting Rights

Loss of Voting Rights: You lose the right to vote in Indian elections and cannot participate in the democratic process of India.

4.Government Jobs and Benefits

  • Employment Restrictions: You lose eligibility for government jobs in India, which are reserved for Indian citizens.

  • Social Benefits: Access to specific social benefits and subsidies provided by the Indian government will be restricted.

5.Political Participation

Running for Office: You cannot run for public office or participate in political activities as an Indian citizen.


Understanding the differences between Permanent Residency and Citizenship in Australia is crucial. PR offers significant rights, but citizenship provides full participation in society. Renouncing Indian citizenship results in the loss of travel freedom, voting rights, and government job eligibility in India, making careful consideration essential.


here are some related websites that provide information on Permanent Residency and Citizenship in Australia, as well as the implications of renouncing Indian citizenship:

  1. Australian Department of Home Affairs

  2. Indian Ministry of External Affairs

  3. Australian Government – Services Australia

  4. SBS Hindi

  5. VFS Global

These websites provide comprehensive details and official guidelines that can help Telugu immigrants in Melbourne and across Australia make well-informed decisions regarding their residency and citizenship status.


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