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Part-time jobs in Australia are great for students to earn money and gain experience, Ideal roles include retail, barista, and tutoring etc.Weekly earnings will be good ranges. International students should work no more than 48 hours per fortnight and use networking to find safe job opportunities.


Students Studying in Australia offers numerous opportunities, not just academically but also in terms of gaining work experience through part-time jobs. These jobs not only help you earn money to support your living expenses but also allow you to develop skills and build a professional network.This guide highlights the various part-time job options available for students in Australia.

  • Flexible part time jobs

  • Average estimation of daily and fortnight wages

  • Work restrictions for international students

  • Networking helps students to find part-time jobs

Flexible part-time roles in Australia that are ideal for students

  • Amazon deliveries

  • Waiter/Waitress

  • Cab

  • Event Staff

  • Customer Service Representative

  • Administrative Assistant

  • Tutor

  • Delivery Driver/Rider

  • Library Assistant

  • Kitchen Staff

  • Call Center Operator

  • Receptionist

  • Retail Stock Clerk

  • Bartender

  • Housekeeping Staff

  • Freelance Writer/Editor

  • Warehouse Worker

  • Personal Care Assistant

  • Research Assistant

  • Promotional Staff

Average Estimation of Daily Wage and Fortnightly Earnings of Part-Time Jobs for Students in Australia

⇒ Daily Wage :

The average hourly wage for part-time jobs for students in Australia ranges from $20 to $30. Assuming a student works a typical part-time shift of 4 hours a day, the daily wage can be estimated as follows:

  • Lower Range: $20/hour * 4 hours = $80/day

  • Upper Range: $30/hour * 4 hours = $120/day

⇒ Fortnightly Earnings :

International students are allowed to work up to 48 hours per fortnight. The fortnightly earnings can be estimated based on the hourly wage range:

  • Lower Range: $20/hour * 48 hours = $960/fortnight

  • Upper Range: $30/hour * 48 hours = $1,440/fortnight

⇒ Summary :

  • Daily Wage: $80 – $120

  • Fortnightly Earnings: $960 – $1,440

These estimates provide a clear overview of potential earnings for students working part-time jobs in Australia.

Work Restrictions for International Students in Australia

students in Australia can work up to 48 hours per fortnight (24 hours per week) during study periods and unlimited hours during breaks. It’s important to follow these limits to maintain visa status and balance work with academic commitments.

⇒ Current Regulations

As of 2024, the Australian government has set specific work restrictions for international students holding a student visa. Here are the key details:

  1. During Study Periods:

    • Maximum Work Hours: International students are allowed to work up to 48 hours per fortnight (equivalent to 24 hours per week) while their course is in session.

  2. During Scheduled Breaks:

    • Unlimited Work Hours: During official school breaks, students can work unlimited hours.

⇒ Practical Work Hours Example :

If you work the maximum allowed 24 hours per week during study periods, here’s how it might look financially:

Example: Retail Sales Assistant

  • Hourly Wage: $23 – $25 per hour

  • Weekly Earnings: $552 – $600

  • Fortnightly Earnings (2 weeks): $1,104 – $1,200

By adhering to the work limits and effectively managing your time, you can gain valuable work experience, support your living expenses, and ensure academic success.

How Networking Helps Students Find Part-Time Jobs in Australia

Networking is essential for students seeking part-time jobs in Australia. By connecting with peers, professors, community groups, and professional associations, students can discover job opportunities and build valuable relationships to aid their job search.

  1. Peer and Professor Connections: Job leads and references from classmates and professors.

  2. Community Groups: Telugu and local community events provide job opportunities and support.

  3. Professional Associations: Membership offers job listings and networking events.

  4. Social Media: LinkedIn and similar platforms help build a professional network and find jobs.

  5. Alumni Networks: University alumni provide job leads and career advice.

  6. Volunteering: Leads to potential job opportunities and relevant experience.

  7. Career Fairs: Direct access to employers seeking student hires.


Students seeking part-time jobs should ensure they have clear and accurate details about the work before starting. Be cautious of fraudulent job sites and fake workplaces. Adhere to student visa rules by limiting work hours and always prioritize safety and legality in your job search.

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