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Dear Telugu Community People,here an important update about,Australia’s 2024-25 migration programs aim to address workforce shortages and boost economic growth, with 190,000 and 185,000 places respectively. These programs also emphasize family reunification and sreamlined visa processing.

1.Migration Program Planning Levels (Home Affairs)

  • 2023-24 Migration Program: Set at 190,000 places.

  • Skill Stream: 137,100 places, focusing on immediate workforce needs and economic growth.

  • Family Stream: 52,500 places to support family reunification.

  • Processing Improvements: Additional funding and staffing for visa processing, including $48.1 million over 12 months for 500 visa processing officers and $27.8 million over two years for ICT system upgrades​ (Department of Home Affairs)​.

2. Employer and Skilled Worker Impacts (MinterEllison)

  • Emphasis on Skilled Migration: Adjustments to visa categories like the Subclass 482 TSS Visa to better address workforce requirements.

  • Introduction of New Visas: The National Innovation Visa replaces the Global Talent Visa to attract high-skilled migrants.

  • Family Stream Continuity: Continued emphasis on family reunification to strengthen social cohesion.

  • Efficiency Measures: Investments in visa processing technologies to enhance efficiency and reduce processing times​ (Migration Downunder)​.

3. Federal Budget 2024-2025 Immigration Update (Migration Downunder)

  • Migration Program for 2024-25: Set at 185,000 places with a strong focus on the Skill Stream (132,200 places).

  • Visa Reforms: Implementation of a ballot process for certain Work and Holiday visas to streamline the process.

  • Resource Allocation: Ongoing funding for visa processing improvements and stakeholder consultations to align migration programs with economic and labor market needs​ (Migration Downunder)​.

some important points to view :

  • Skilled Migration: Strong emphasis across all sources on addressing skill shortages through targeted skilled migration programs.

  • Family Reunification: Consistent support for family migration streams to enhance social cohesion.

  • Efficiency Improvements: Investments in resources and technology to improve visa processing times and reduce backlogs.

  • Consultative Approach: Engagement with various stakeholders to shape migration policy and program settings.

  1. Resources for Visa Processing:

  2. Changes to Specific Visa Categories:

  3. Family Stream and Social Cohesion:

For more detailed information, visit:

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