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Hey Telugu Community People,Considering marriage to a boy working in Australia? Ensure a secure and happy future by following these essential checks on background, employment, financial stability, and cultural compatibility.


Marriage is a significant decision, especially when it involves a partner living abroad. For Indian girls looking to marry boys working in Australia, it is crucial to perform due diligence to ensure a secure and happy future. This post outlines the essential checks and considerations to keep in mind.

Verification Checklist

  1. Background and Character Check

    • Personal References: Connect with mutual friends or family members to get an honest opinion about the boy’s character and behavior. Ask specific questions about his temperament, reliability, and how he handles responsibilities and conflicts.

    • Social Media and Online Presence: Review their social media profiles for any red flags or inconsistencies in their life story. Pay attention to their posts, friends, and interactions to understand their personality and lifestyle better.

  2. Employment Verification

    • Employment Proof: Ask for official employment documents, such as offer letters, payslips, and tax returns.

    • Company Verification: Verify the legitimacy of the company by checking its online presence and contacting the HR department, if possible.

  3. Financial Stability

    • Income and Expenses: Understand their monthly income, expenses, and savings to gauge financial stability.

    • Debts and Liabilities: Inquire about any existing loans or financial liabilities that might impact future financial security.

  4. Legal Status and Residency

    • Visa and Work Permits: Ensure that the boy has a valid visa and work permits for staying and working in Australia.

    • Permanent Residency: If applicable, check if he holds or is in the process of obtaining permanent residency, which can offer more stability.

  5. Lifestyle and Habits

    • Daily Routine: Get a clear picture of his daily routine, lifestyle, and habits to see if they align with your expectations.

    • Social Circle: Understand his friend circle and social life in Australia, as this can impact his personality and lifestyle choices.

  6. Cultural and Family Expectations

    • Cultural Values: Discuss important cultural and religious values to ensure compatibility.

    • Family Involvement: Understand the level of involvement and expectations from his family, both in India and Australia.

  7. Communication and Future Plans

    • Communication Skills: Assess how effectively you both communicate, especially about critical issues and future plans.

    • Long-Term Goals: Discuss and align on long-term goals, such as career ambitions, living arrangements, and family planning.


Marrying someone living abroad requires thorough verification to ensure a secure and harmonious future. By performing these essential checks, you can make an informed decision and build a strong foundation for your marriage. Remember, taking the time to verify these aspects can prevent potential heartache and ensure a happy and stable future.

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