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Australia’s immigration policies are undergoing significant changes starting July,2024.

Key Updates Include :

1.Visa Quotas : The total migration program is set at 185,000 places, with a major focus on skilled migrants.

2.Skill Stream : 132,200 places allocated, including Employer Sponsored, State/Territory Nominated, and Skilled Independent visas.

=> Employer Sponsored Visas : Increased to 44,000 places, facilitating permanent residence through the Temporary Residence Transition Stream.

=> State/Territory Nominated and Regional Visas : Both categories increased to 33,000 places each.

=>Skilled Independent Visas : Reduced to 16,900 places.

=>Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) : Reduced to 1,000 visas and will be replaced by the National Innovation visa.

=>Global Talent Visa : Planning level reduced to 4,000 visas, transitioning to the National Innovation visa.

3.Family Stream : 52,500 places, maintaining current levels for Partner and Child visas.

=> Partner Visas : 40,500 places.

=> Child Visas : 3,000 places.

=> Parent Visas : 8,500 places.

=> Other Family Visas : 500 places, including Aged Dependent Relative, Remaining Relative, and Carer programs.

4.New Visa Programs : Introduction of the National Innovation visa and closure of the Business Innovation and Investment Program.

5.Study Visas : Enhanced opportunities for international students through extended post-study work rights and the New Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-Professionals Scheme (MATES).

6.Travel Visas : Streamlined application processes for those exploring Australia.

These changes aim to fill skill shortages, support regional areas, and promote economic growth,strengthen family and community bonds.

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